#etmooc Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

#etmooc Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

TASK 1: Consider many forms (Define and Collect)

A reflective post on Digital Storytelling

#etmooc asked us to reflect on the definition of Digital Storytelling.  When I look at the definition on Wikipedia it states:

Digital storytelling refers to a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story.”Media” may include the digital equivalent of film techniques (full-motion video with sound), animation, stills, audio only, or any of the other forms of non-physical media (material that exists only as electronic files as opposed to actual paintings or photographs on paper, sounds stored on tape or disc, movies stored on film) which individuals can use to tell a story or present an idea”. (Wikipedia)

When I look at the term “Digital Storytelling” I see a way in which I am able to tell my story. It’s also a way in which my students are able to share their stories and their ideas. It can also be a way in which my students are able to express themselves in an educational setting. The “bristle board” presentation days are starting to fade away in my classroom.  My students continue to find different ways to demonstrate their learning in my classroom.  Presentations can be shown via You Tube, Movie Maker, Pod Casts, I Movie, Animoto, and Glogster.  Whenever my students use different types of technologies in my room, you can see the excitement in their eyes when they are presenting them. It’s also a way for me to see them in a different light. Not just a student, but another human being with a past and a story to tell.

I teach 9-12 French Immersion Language Arts & Spanish at Thom Collegiate High School, in Regina Saskatchewan Canada. I have been learning that any teacher can integrate technology in any subject matter across all subjects’ areas in the curriculum.

Since last year, I have used different types of technologies in the classroom setting with my students. My students have used many different forms of media to share their stories. For example, for student projects, my students have used cartoon characters, pictures, video recordings with sound and music in the French and Spanish language.

Students and teachers can be savvy with new computer programming that can teach anybody to edit! (Including a newbie like me) When the assignments are complete, the videos are sent to me and uploaded on a private channel via You Tube.

In my classroom, I have let my students’ use different types of media as a way in which, they are able to share their stories. When students are given the task of using Digital storytelling, they are taking full ownership of their project, researching and analyzing their own work, using their own ideas, thoughts and expressions. It’s a neat way for any student to express themselves!!!!!!

I am sharing a my own personal Digital Story that I created to tell my story. I find it fitting as it tells the story of me, my friends, my family and who I am.

Take a look: Click on link


Thanks Krista