Burgundy Pot

So, on Wednesday nights we have etmooc chat and one of these nights I might make it to an etmooc chat because I am having a great time on this course. But Wednesday night is pottery night and I just hate to miss it. I’ll be instructing some friends on how to use an extruder tonight so I will most likely be missing the chat again. And it is zombie night too! 🙁 So here is a pot that I made in November 2012 and glazed just a few days ago. Pinched, with coiled decorations and bull. Burgundy mish mash glaze (more raspberry than burgundy I am afraid). Black Satin glaze on the bull. Cone 6 red stoneware. I quite like it. May try a deeper red/brown with black satin next time for a richer colour contrast. I really love pottery, especially sculpting, but the glaze process is always tricky as you never know how it will turn out.