#ETMOOC and the 6 Word Story

So, a guy reads a few tweets, and follows a few links, and the next thing you know he is signed up for something called #ETMOOC.

Yup. That’s me.The basic premise is simple. Many teachers, or soon to be teachers, join together in a class that is 100% free and accessible via the internet . It is a Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC and the subject is Educational Technology. I signed up just in time to start with Topic #2 – Digital Story Telling. I do have some experience with DS in the classroom, so I don’t feel out of place or like I am going to be too far out of the loop, plus as a part time photographer, I have a understanding of basic copyrite rules. (Copyleft is a new term I should be getting to know very soon) The first thing to interest me in ETMOOC was the 6 Word Story. This is mine!


That is all. I could edit this, but it would end up in the “drafts” folder forever….