How My Brain Works Best

Five Card Story: How My Brain Works Best an #etmooc quasi-epic in 5 pics

a Five Card Flickr story created by @willgourley

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

My brain works best when surrounded by structures of disorder and chaos. Dendrites growing, neurons myelinating; all the while learning more, but admittedly knowing less. Life in its entirety is spent making meaning of all that floods in through the senses. For me it’s language. More precisely WORDS, above all things, excite my senses. Frenetic, intriguing, random. In between the swells of information are times where the fuzz and pace of wordplay crawls. Whether I have two legs or a hundred,I cannot quicken my pace. Ouf!! I’m in the doldrums and this flattening sea will not help. Yet, comfort comes from knowing that I cannot control the waves, but I can learn to surf. I wait for the next rogue wave, and it doesn’t take long. The thrill only makes me want to paddle out onto bigger waves. When it all comes crashing down, I rest. Calm, soaked, shaka, gasping for air, washed ashore, eyes burning, safe at home. Home, where my books live.