#ETMOOC Digital storytelling – thoughts

I followed a couple of links and found this overview of storytelling in the digital age.

I think it offers a interesting dissection of the affordances of storytelling in a digital environment. Here’s my summary and thoughts on the 5 elements.

1. Media

Digital storytelling offers the chance to mix-up the different media. It also recognises asynchronous vs synchronous delivery, edited or not.

Related to this – I read an article on multi-modalities. This article offered me insight into the affordances to express meaning of different modes: writing, speech, image, moving image.

“By discussing examples from learning resources we show forms and changes and the epistemological and communicational effects produced in any changes. We ask what might be gained and what might be lost in changes of mode: from artefact and action to image, from image to writing, to speech, or to moving image. ”

Text allows the writer to lead the reader in a linear way, add emphasis through the positioning of clauses etc. An illustration allows for representation of an object and can be more helpful than a photograph as a this is only one particular example of that object. Also, for image – all the details are laid bare so to speak – whereas in text we can say ‘The man sat next to the woman on the bench’ if an image is used we must show whether the man is to the left or right of the woman, his expression etc. With text, we cna allow the reader to imagine the details to fit their own individual representation. (epistemological commitment). So then, audio, video – this has the addition of controlling pace – this can be helpful or maybe a hindrance if this relates to learning material. The article is related to how use of different mediums to present language might then affect how people use language …( I think that’s it anyway). So, now in relation to telling a story, I wondering how the choice of presentation mode affects the how the message is received by the audience. I also think that once the other 5 elements are taken into account differences in how meaning is portrayed with different modes in a digital storytelling format IS different to sitting round the camp-fire. The ‘old style’ was spoken message, respected leader to followers, purpose of message, controlled pace, lack of epistemological commitment.’ Digital storytelling is (for the ETMOOC at least) unknown individual to unknown individuals, with choice of modes that offer gains and loses from written to moving image. Also, digital sharing means competing with people’s short attention span and information overload…. Hence the make  6 word presentations, animated gifs? These are short and still powerful vessels of meaning that can be expected to be viewed and in the frame of MOOCing maybe receive comments and recognition for your efforts.

In terms of the media element: digital storytelling is asynchronous vs ‘live’ round the campfire.

2. Action

Refers to 1) movement within the content (I take this as video/speech but also prezi presentations offer movement from static presentation mode to another static presentation mode), 2) movement required by reader (click to move to next slide, click on link, scroll down, press play, drag and drop)

Digital storytelling can offer movement within content as well as complex action out of it or only minimal if only one video/audio etc.

3. Relationship

This is interesting I think. The content is measured on a scale of ‘open’ to ‘closed’. Open content allows the user to control sequence of presentation, pace or manipulate the content, add to it, personalise it. If the user cannot do any of these things the content is closed. Digital storytelling allows a choice for the meaning maker in relation to all these aspects to some extent. [Back when I was taking part in change11, another participant created a prezi and invited the other participants to add to the presentation online, mmmnn ideas beginning to brew for my own shot at this…]

4. Context

Refers to linking story to other ‘stories’, articles, images, related information. For this there’s: when / why / what. I guess there is also a how: do you embed the whole video, image, audio or just leave a link for users to explore? Do you give it a full introduction, offer your reflections on it or just say ‘check this out’?

I guess within a MOOC we mostly drop in the link with a few lines introduction and hope people randomly click on it.

5. Communication

Refers to managing the affordance of 2-way communication with audience. Are the ways to communicate explicit? (comments on blog / comments on google+?, edit within message medium?) Are the comments moderated? What are the purposes of the comments?


Whatever the story is that I decide to do, I think I’ll definitely try to utilise as many affordances of ‘digital’ as I can: multi-modal, open (with encouraged personalisation and adding of content, contextualised through links, with a different purposes for communicating.