Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

I am hoping that this post is part 1 of something greater.

The blogged intro to this activity ( stresses that the most important part of digital storytelling is the latter part of the term, storytelling. As a poet, I feel comfortable and confident in my ability to create stories. As a tech noob, I am less confident in my ability to utilise web based or digital media for effect. In the following video I make use of iPad apps I have been fooling around with for a little while and then made use of the YouTube video editor to combine the footage.
What I hope, is that the conclusion of the video comes as a surprise. The success of the original poem is its abrupt conclusion and I tried to recreate this in the video.
Of the eight possible tasks for this component of the course this really only scrapes the surface of option 1 – 'Consider Many Forms'. I am currently reading through Alan Levine's "50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story" so that I might retell the story in a variety of ways and complete the third challenge.

Following that I hope to compose a series of six word short stories. 

So much to do…

*Here is a second incarnation of "Your Memory"

** I played around with Mozilla Popcorn Maker as a part of this topic. Although not a story, here's a video analysis of the Old Spice commercial.