Twitter Apocalypse 2.0

Photo taken by Grmisiti

This past week I had the pleasure of hiding from, #dodging from, and #swiping at zombies, during an all-out zombie apocalypse. It was the second Twitter vs Zombie event in which hundreds of people from around the world join in to play a social media game on, you guessed it Twitter. Here is a quick run down of the rules, but if you want more check out the website Twitter vs. Zombies 2.0.

  1. Everyone starts off as a human and you have tweet 10 times a day.
  2. If you are #bite by a zombie you have 5 minutes to #dodge or a fellow human can #swipe for you. 
  3. If you do this then you are still human; if you don’t, you join the undead (zombie).
  4. There are a lot more rules that come out as the game goes on, but like I said, check out the website.

I think this was an amazing idea and had a great time participating, even though my wife thought that I was huge dork and immediately  checked out as soon as I said the word zombie. I am just grateful I didn’t have to rely on her to save me from being turned. The idea behind the game is to create a fictional digital story with a number of people from around the world. It also is a great way to help people learn how to use twitter and self-promote.

I have been thinking of away that I can use this with my students, but I am not sure that I have the understanding on how to bring the blogs together and knowing who is actually in the game. But I will definitely be encouraging them to join me in the next game because even though it is a fun game, it also shows the power of collaboration and how social media can be used to connect globally!