When Two Worlds Collide

Over the past week I have been battling the flu. Yes it was icky. But needless to say I have realized a few things in my fever induced state: One – the flu stinks, and Two – there is a world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered if only we had an open mind in which they could flourish.
Reality speaking the second is just regurgitated mumbo jumbo philosophical thinking that has been recycled over the past several centuries. Really, putting aside technology for a moment and innovations, has anyone really come up with a new philosophical theory that has been adequately put into practice? I honestly can’t think of one that isn’t driven by technology or capitalism. We are a generation or even to go out on a limb a civilization of recyclers. We re-think old ways of doing things and create new innovate “time-saving” means of producing product. I think that is the difference between the US and the THEM of years past. Our ancestors just thought about how to make the world a more viable place to live. By in creating philosophical theories that would help to enlighten us. And WE of course have rethought this and put into place a means of doing this. Yes we are a productive society, or so we think.

If anyone hasn’t figured this out by now I am a very opinionated person. It is amazing I still have friends. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not above listening and even going along with other people’s ideas and concepts; however in the back of my head (and I know we all do it) you can’t help but think if only they would do it this way it may turn out better.

I realize this is my Educational Technology blog, and somehow I have turned it into a personal moment for myself, but I feel to really get a grasp of ET we must first look at our own limits. This is where I hopefully will bring this full circle. I am now personally invested in a non-profit, in one way or another I have always worked with or for non-profits throughout my entire adult life. However, now I find myself involved in one that I think can truly change the world. It came to me this weekend (probably when my fever was sky high) but then again all the great minds of the past five centuries had their great moments – high, drunk or otherwise in deranged modes. (Not that I was on any of these except maybe cold tablets).

So were do I begin to connect all these thoughts. Simple. The moment the new world – the world of electronic, collaborative and innovation – met the old world – (three ring binders, dividers and printed material). I have been a teacher for over ten years, my classroom is as green as I can possibly make it. Papers are distributed via a website, documents are turned in through electronic drop boxes, and grading happens through my PDF reader on my iPad, then returned to each student. Communication happens through the schools LMS or my own Google+ group. I am in the process of creating iTunes U courses for my professional development programs to be launched this summer. Even though this process takes time. I find that it allows my students and faculty members the flexibility to be and do when they can. Its learning on demand.

I created my “BINDER” this morning for my non-profit. It was needless to say nostalgic. Literally took me back 20 years when I was still in school. A section for everything and everything in its section. This got me to thinking. We currently are in a state of flux, a moment of transition. There is no time stamp or end date for this transition. Even someone as “techie” as me whom I have to remind myself to bring pen and paper to certain meetings because typing on my computer or iPad is frowned upon. The generation in which I am teaching doesn’t understand stand the concept of creating binders and dividers and a whole punch. Printers are scarce. So what are we to do. We can not force feed technology into others, we can only guide them.

At a recent conference an administrator asked me when do I think everyone will be fully digital. My reply is we are as digital as the time allows. Some teachers feel comfortable with paper pencil, and that is OK. Others have completely embraced the electronic means of doing this. So where does this leave us. Simply I wish I had an answer. The only think I can say is we are at a crossroads. We encourage those who are in the mind set that paper and pencil help to retain knowledge, we encourage them that knowledge retention is not the worlds goal anymore. Being creative, being productive and being resourceful are the means in which our children even us need to grasp and learn as we slosh our way through this new frontier. Yes Star Trek strikes again. But in education we must remember one thing we are never going to reach our final destination. We are creating a society of Lifetime learners and if that is our final destination than that is best accomplishment we as teachers, educators and administrators can do for future generations.