Symbaloo–thanks to Stacia and etmooc

Last month I missed the social curation session but knew I would be able watch the archived session while my daughter was at highland dance. Prior to watching the archived edition my colleague Stacia told me that Symbaloo looked pretty cool–she was right! I messed around for an hour or so creating my webmix, as it is called. The webmix is now my desktop screen. You can see that both the UVic course links are there–very helpful as our 515 course is not attached to our UVic mypage account. Now I have both links side-by-side in one place.

Pardon me Sarah?
Ohhh, pin the links to my task bar? Yes, I could do that but it is not as PRETTY :)


symbaloo snapshot

This is a work in progress but I am pretty happy to have my go-to sites visible on the smartboard while in class. I think I will add my avatar image on one of the tiles and it will link to my classblog. So much fun!

If you were going to use Symbaloo in the classroom what would be some of the most common links you and your students visit on a daily basis? How could it be used in a class or school setting?