
Based on this,  Fukuyama and the Post-Human

Instead of Big Brother watching everyone, people could use the PC and internet to watch Big Brother, as governments everywhere were driven to publish more information on their own activities

Syria turns off the internet

the collapse of totalitarian empires and the emergence of the personal computer, as well as other forms of inexpensive information technology, from TVs and radios to faxes and email – were not unrelated

were not unrelated – SERIOUSLY?

TV invented in 1884

Radio invented 1885

Faxes invented 1865, 11 years before the telephone

But they only had a revolutionary effect in 1989

 It is already the case that psychotropic drugs such as Prozac and Ritalin can affect traits like self-esteem and the ability to concentrate

St John’s Wort has been used for thousands of years and maybe more effective than many SSRIs.

The ultimate question raised by biotechnology is: What will happen to political rights once we are able to, in effect, breed some people with saddles on their backs, and others with boots and spurs?

You mean like the slave trade? Except then we just used social constructs?

the taking of a drug not for its therapeutic value but simply because it makes one feel “better than good.”

Like Reboxitine? Or many of the other drugs less effective than St John’s Wort?

The former is prescribed heavily for depressed women lacking in self-esteem; it gives them more of the alpha-male feeling that comes with high serotonin levels.

A somewhat male view of depression? Evidence exists that serotonin is prevalent in cultures with an alpha male, but alpha male cultures tend to be… errr totalitarian… and aren’t we errrr moving away from that? Because the PC made it so?

Prozac and Ritalin are only the first generation of psychotropic drugs

Erm, no

Dopamine system enhancers may be used to increase stamina and motivation

Seems quite a few cultures have used chemicals before fighting battles

Post Human? How many people did Jenner’s vaccination save? Or Louis Pasteur? And we are ignoring cochlear implants, glasses, pace makers?

Apparently at the same time as technology is overthrowing states, states are sedating people to a median androgyny.

Or not