Digital Storytelling


  • Digital storytelling is “using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve our lives” (Center for Digital Storytelling).
  • “… refers to using new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell their own real-life stories.” (Wikipedia)
  • “Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Throughout history, storytelling has been used to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have taken many different forms. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen.” (Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association)

Six Word Stories

Lost a mother. Lost a family.

Kid at university; mother’s next degree.

Fire, dogs, coffee. My morning ritual.

Dog ventured into bush; intensely annoyed.

Snow, shovel. Snow, shovel. Global warming?

Change agent,  Coach, Masters, ETMOOC: Exhausted.

Five Card Story: A Room with a View

a #etmooc story created by Julie Balen

flickr photo by penbentley

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

It hit her that morning. She didn’t know why. Her breakfast arrived as it usually did. Black coffee in her favourite mug.
Music from other rooms floated in and out as doors opened and closed. Muzak actually. She hated the constant insipid noise. She turned her head and caught a glimpse of the yard. The yard? No. She blinked hard. Those were not snow sculptures that her kids made with twigs and pine boughs. Time had slipped away on her and she could not hold onto the pieces of her life long enough to make sense of where it went. But in that moment, she realized that she was never leaving this place.