Have you ever watched snowflakes MELT?

I had never watched snow melt from start to end.

I did on Feb. 25. 

I opened the back door and inserted my black sweater into the swirling mass of snowflakes for about 10 seconds. Winter storm #2 was upon us and I wanted to use the opportunity to let my mind wander and wonder. I pulled the sweater back inside and smoothed it out on the counter. With my iPhone 4s and trusty Olloclip macro lens attachment at hand, I began recording the story of one particular clump of snowflakes in a 70 degree room.

I was happily surprised by what I observed. 

Never sphere, I think you will enjoy this as well.


This is something you can show the kids at home or at school. Ask them to brainstorm a list of questions that arise in their minds as a result of this ‘snowflake story.’ What could they do to explore water’s properties to find out questions and observe patterns?

Cool Story about using Creative Commons Flickr Photos.

I found this photo on Flickr.

Flakes 2
photo credit: NedraI via photopin cc

I wanted to use it. On the lower right of the Flickr photo page it was licensed for use…
Attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike.

I asked for NedraI’s permission anyway in the comment section under the picture. What a nice interaction and a new connection and friend.

Please click on the picture above to see my question to her and her response.