International Women’s Day – a reason for hope!

Today is International Women’s Day and despite these sobering facts that have been popping up on my social media feeds, I’m still feeling hopeful:

  • “Women birth 100% of the world’s population, do 66% of work, produce 50% of food but earn 10% of income & own 1% of the property.” –
  • “Gender-based violence is both persistent and widespread, and ranks as top public health crisis for women in the world today.” –
  • “It is International Women’s Day 2013, and nearly 1 in 5 women cannot read this sentence.” –
  • A recently released NSF report finds women, minorities and persons with disabilities are still underrepresented in science and engineering.

In the field of computer science, I know there are still not enough role models and mentors for girls to look up to and see a reflection of their future selves as creators of technology. There are still not enough parents, educators and community leaders who recognize the importance of computing literacy for everyone. I think Girl Rising director, Richard Robbins is onto something when he says we’ve been lied to about the power of educating girls because we know what works in helping whole communities overcome poverty as well as what works in addressing the gender gap in computer science.

So what gives me hope? Hanging out with Teen Tech Girls and experiencing first hand their passion for learning and making a difference and hanging with Women Learning Tech who are learning about developing and designing websites. I am celebrating today because I know there is this amazing group of women and girls who are stepping out and learning about, sharing with and creating technology.