Open Access and Open Educational Resources (OER)

So what is this open access all about?

Open Access is the principle that research should be accessible online, for free, immediately after publication.      

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), an international alliance of academic and research libraries, has some great papers, guides and resources on open access. Their Open Access papernotes:

In the age of print, open access was physically and economically impossible. But thanks to the Internet, it’s an emerging reality. Now, the tradition of producing journal articles without expectation of payment combined with electronic publishing offers an unprecedented public good: the free online availability of peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journal articles.

There is more, see the blog of Paul Stacey at:


Now Online: SPARC Webcast Connecting the Dots between Open Access and Open Educational Resources

On September 27, 2012 Cable Green of Creative Commons and Nicole Allen , dove into the basics of OERs, the relevance of OERs to the library community and the intersections of OER and Open Access.
To watch the webcast, select the link below, hit the play button (arrow) and play.
Now Online: SPARC Webcast Connecting the Dots between Open Access and Open Educational Resources (SPARC)