Student Reflections on Tweeting and Blogging



Today in the French 11/12 class, I handed out a questionnaire to get my students’ thoughts about tweeting and blogging.  They could respond in either French or English.  The questionnaire included the following questions:

1.  What is one aspect about Twitter that you are enjoying?

2.  How could Twitter be used at school in any subject to help with your learning?

3.  What is one aspect about blogging that you are enjoying?

4.  How could blogging be used at school in any subject to help with your learning?

5.  What were your frustrations so far with tweeting and blogging?

Student Responses

I like when my teacher “asks questions and we answer” on Twitter.

I enjoy “making stories in French” on Twitter.

“If you miss a day of school, you could see your assignment on Twitter, then do it from home.”

Twitter is “fast, easy, and fun.”

“Using Twitter makes it not seem like work.”  It’s “just like your normal social life.”

“Nous pratiquons écrire le français ou les autres langues.”

Nous parlons “avec les autres étudiants dans Canada.”

We can “communicate with others for assistance.”

We “are able to connect and communicate with other French classes and practice conversational French.”

We “learn new things from other classes in different parts of the world.”

Blogging helps us to see “others’ ideas.”

Blogging “gives you an idea of how others are learning.”

“J’ apprends la nouvelle technologie.”

“I don’t like blogging because it requires you to write more.  Twitter is more fast paced and easier to pick up and go.”

“J’oublie de mettre ‘#’ on Twitter.”


It is clear from these responses that the students are finding tweeting and blogging relevant to their lives and learning.  In just a couple of months we have been able to set up a learning community online and have been able to use our French in an authentic and meaningful way.  They are enjoying, with minimal frustration, these learning opportunities while using technology.