Digital Citizenship: Putting Yourself Out There… Respectfully

In addition to this lovely professional reflection blog, I have a personal blog and a classroom blog.  I actually haven’t time for any of them, but because all the noise in my head needs to be sorted and put somewhere, one of the three places works for me.

I’ve discovered, depending on which blog I’m using, I tend to get different responses.  People treat what I say with a particular level of respect and acknowledgement that usually results in everyone involved learning something from the interchanges.  A few people actually even think i’m brilliant or something. This is a good thing , I think.

I’m trying to teach my students about citizenship in general; learning how to be respectful and consider how our words affect what people think of us is an important 21st Century skill.  Particularly in middle school, where thinking before talking is a learned skill, considering our words, opinions, and actions before expressing them for all the world to see, is hard.  We’re getting better at it.

As we work on our projects, we’re thinking about who will see what we’re doing, saying and expressing.  We are writing and rewriting our thoughts and asking to make sure it all makes sense.  We being good digital citizens, giving create to the appropriate people and not taking credit when it isn’t ours to take.


How do you teach your students to be good digital citizens?


Tagged: Blog, Digital citizen