La Cucuracha mini BYOD/T project : Spanish 10

My Spanish 10 classes were introduced to the song: La Cucaracha.
After having being taught and explained the words and phrases of the song: they were given a mini project to re-create the song with their zest and creativity.

While practicing the Spanish language, the students demonstrated what new vocabulary they have learned!

The students used their own devices (I Pad’s, cell phones) to record their own video for this mini project.

La Cucaracha
Traditional Latin American Lyrics and Music
New English Verses by Daria A. Marmaluk-Hajioannou
What’s a… what’s a… what’s a cucaracha ?
It’s a … It’s a … cockroach
What’s a… what’s a… what’s a cucaracha ?
It’s a … It’s a … cockroach

La cucaracha, La cucaracha, ya no puede caminar
Porque le falte, porque no tiene
Dinero para gastar

The little cockroach, the little cockroach,
I saw him just the other day
I like him best when, he takes his things and
He gets his friends and moves away!

The little cockroach, the little cockroach,
He likes to play up with the band
Upon the guiro, he is a hero
He’s got the fastest moving hands

La cucaracha, La cucaracha, ya no puede caminar
Porque le falte, porque no tiene
Dinero para gastar

The little cockroach, the little cockroach,
He likes to play up with the band
Upon the guiro, he is a hero
He’s got the fastest moving hands

The little cockroach, the little cockroach,
I saw him just the other day
I like him best when, he takes his things and
He gets his friends and moves away – ole!