
Some of you may have used or heard of this tool previously, but I had my first encounter with it tonight: http://www.edcanvas.com/. EdCanvas is essentially a content curation tool that lets you pull in content from Youtube, EduCreations, Guroo, Websearch, Google Drive, Dropbox and files from your desktop and place them into a tile interface for easy sharing and embedding elsewhere. It also has the ability to create quizzes that are embedded in the content.

It struck me as an incredibly robust platform for pulling together the vast resources from multiple platforms in a short amount of time with the ability to build an adaptive “canvas” quickly for different student groups. Please let me know if you have played with it previously or if you have additional uses for the tool that I have not considered as of yet.

If you want to get more acquainted with the tool, here is a quick tutorial of the basics: http://youtu.be/iOB-o5mXsFk