Introducing UKNIP

It is with great pleasure I can proudly announce I am the press officer for UKNIP (The Universities Knowledge Independence Party).

UKNIP believes that commercial interference in the running of Universities, the prime example of which are the foreign MOOCs coming to the UK and undermining our access policies. Whereas before access to the knowledge of Universities was strictly controlled (although we have a proud tradition of sporadically letting the poor in) but there is a real risk of anyone being able to get an education and that is truly worrying. We can’t allow the free movement of people into Universities, and so we must protect our borders, and the other parts of the garden and quad as well!

Leader of UKNIP, Nicol Furr-Ridge in his conference keynote stressed how important it was that the quality of the UK University system was maintained

but not to worry about the Greek, Italian, Irish, Spanish or Portuguese. We should be concerned about British Universities, even when Scottish and Welsh students get a free education and only English Students have to pay. Quality must be maintained. Must.


In a further interview done with Hello Magazine, as Furr-Ridge showed us round his 3 Million Pound home in the part of the city with excellent schools, Furr-Ridge commented

Without controlling the access to knowledge, how can justify charging the fees we need to to maintain the status quo? I’ve given away one paper Open Access. Is that not enough?

Asked as to his policies to give more people access to Universities, said a better option was to create overseas campuses, and if these didn’t prove popular, to bus the British poor over there, a bit like call centres really.

Exciting times at UKNIP