Just a little note…

Before I start talking about integrating technology into the classroom I have a confession make. My “Podium of Pedagogy” is really exciting, especially the name, but I have never seen anyone teach like this. The way I was taught at uni to teach is very teacher focused and worksheet driven. The way my practical experience supervisors taught was very much the same: teacher focused and worksheet driven.  Don’t get me wrong, they are great teachers and I learnt allot from them yet it isn’t the learning environment I want to foster in the classroom.

The only reason I know there is another way is from reading the experiences chronicled on blogs by amazing teachers like; Kim Cofino, Maggie Hos-McGrane, Kelly Tenkely and Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano. This is what drives me to want to teach.

I’ll be just a bit embarrassed if they happen to read this but they make me excited about teaching. At the end of my graduate diploma to be a teacher I was really disheartened and confused – teaching wasn’t what I thought it was going to be – even at the end of my supposedly most successful lessons, I didn’t feel that the kids really learnt anything of lasting importance.They had learnt something required, something a little interesting but I knew they would forget it sooner rather than later. When I read about what these teachers are doing it gives me hope that there is another way. I would love to be a fly on their shoulder for a week just to I can see how it actually looks! I suppose that kind of what like blogs are… a look into someone else’s life.