My favorite IFTTT recipe…so far!

In Norway, word has it that Charlie Brown said this... #uffda #norway #mug #instagood #instagram #instagramhub #lawrencekansas #igers #igkansas #norwegian
Photo by Laura Gilchrist on Flickr

My favorite IFTTT recipe!

  • All the photos I take on my iPhone now go directly to my FLICKR account, which has 1 TB of free storage. Never again to spend time uploading pictures to Flickr.
  • My default setting for any new Flickr upload is private. I then tag, place in sets, share to groups, and make public the photos I want to be public when I’m ready.
    • How to set your default uploads in Flickr to private: Click your PHOTO in upper right, then Settings, then Privacy and Permissions tab, then under section ‘Defaults for New Uploads’ set it to View: Only You.
  • Now my time is spent with my photos in Flickr. Photos hold much potential for use in education. Flickr is a great platform for finding, curating, sharing and collaborating with other educators, photographers, and friends. 

Gettting stttarted on IFTTT takes virtually no time.

    • Give IFTTT 30 minutes of your time to set up and explore a bit. Activate channels (like Flickr, iOS photos, Dropbox, Instagram, Pinterest, Email). Choose a couple of If-Then recipes and try them for yourself to see if they free you up for other things…like taking pictures, pinning, collaborating with educators and students, or blogging. 

    Screenshot of IFTTT webpage