Bootcamp Reflections

This was the first week of Headless DS106 and it made me think of the Hunter Thompson quote:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”

To warm up for the ride, I completed four Daily Creates (tdc593, tdc599, tdc600 and tdc602). I found it better not to look at what others had done first as that tended to be inhibiting.  Looking back on what I created,  I realize that I need to emerge from my comfort zone of drawing, photography and writing and try more video and audio creates.

Photo of iPod Classic and Penguin cover of George Orwell's Why I Write

21st Century Elegance


Celebrating the 600th Daily Create


Happy Birthday, Giulia Forsythe.

Sparks and Flashes from the Videos/Readings

All of the videos and the list of rules were thought provoking and could easily warrant their own blog posts (or Phd theses).

Robert Hughes Video

Of the many ideas in this short video clip, I think I liked the ides of Art giving us lost paradise and making the world whole and comprehensible; however, I can
see how this is controversial as it is at odds recent artwork that attempt to shock or disrupt.  What is art and what is social commentary and are they different?

Steven Johnson Video – Chance favours the connected mind

I like the concept of spaces such as coffee houses and salons encouraging creativity and will keep this in mind as a good argument when advocating for the creation of Maker Spaces at our university.

Kelli Anderson TED Talk

I was happily agreeing with and being amazed by the projects Kelli talked about until she got to the New York Times project.  I understand the reason for leveraging unsuspecting pathways and the idea of disruptive wonder, but this project made me feel a little uncomfortable.

As a child I remember getting anxious when clones or evil doubles occurred in a TV episode as this made me incredibly uneasy and I was unable to rest until all the Fred Flintstone clones were rounded up and sent back home in their space ship.


cc licensed (BY-SA) by cogdog

So, for me, I need to keep in mind that “order doesn’t necessarily deserve our respect”, and move on from there.

John Cage’s Rules for Students and Teachers

mistake2These rules look perfectly reasonable to me.  When I think back on my “education” I can now see that there were a lot of missed opportunities.  These rules might have helped if I could have appreciated them at an earlier age.   I particularly like the idea: “Nothing is a mistake. …  There is only make.”  This made me realize how close Make and Mistake are.  Learning happens in the making and more so with more mistakes.