RSCON4: Worldwide educator conversations that need YOU

YOU have a seat at the WORLDWIDE table of BIG IDEAS in education–at the Reform Symposium Conference. Well, it’s more like a bunch of tables all pushed together filled with the bustle of excited people speaking different languages, on a variety of devices; some in pajamas and others in their work clothes. It’s completely free and no plane tickets to buy. Please get a drink, sit down, listen, talk, connect, and learn Oct 11-13 with passionate and connected educators like yourself! There are plenty of chairs, plenty of choice, and the company is stellar. 🙂
 photo credit: Loco Steve via photopin cc
I am fired up and ready to experience RSCON4 (Reform Symposium Conference 4) and share my stories with others.
  • I’m sharing in 2 sessions about things I’m passionate about for kids’ learning–the benefits of large areas of dry erase surfaces and the need to get kids ACTIVELY talking BACK to information that is omnipresent in books, websites, photos, tweets, videos. Empowering kids to feel able to TACKLE information and not fear it is vital. Kids run from opportunity in classes and careers because they fear information and they lack confidence. Time to get personal with information and make it yours! 

  • My passion centers on giving kids the tools and skills to interact with their world and learn with abandon. Learning, at its core, is a beautiful state of flow that, if given time and wings, will take care of itself happily; will accomplish its goal and then some. Let the learners lead and their natural learning, curiosity, and zeal will take over transform them.

My Reform Symposium sessions: Join me here


The 2013 REFORM SYMPOSIUM E-CONFERENCE is being held online and is free to attend. Please consider registering at this site so we can keep you updated with any information or instructions, however you do not need to be registered (or to have your registration confirmed) in order to attend any sessions.

In a few days, thousands of educators from various different countries are expected to attend a free 3 day virtual conference, The Reform Symposium, #RSCON4. RSCON will be held October 11th to 13th in conjunction with Connected Educator Month. The entire conference will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate webinar platform. Participants can attend this online conference from the comfort of their homes or anywhere that has Internet access. This amazing conference provides educators new or currently active on social networks the opportunity to connect with educators and professionals in the field of education worldwide.
Useful links (click on any item for more information):

We would like to thank the incredible organizers- Shelly Sanchez Terrell, Steve Hargadon, Clive Elsmore, Chiew Pang, Kelly Tenkely, Chris Rogers, Paula White, Bruno Andrade, Cecilia Lemos, Greta Sandler, Peggy George, Marcia Lima, Jo Hart, Phil Hart, Dinah Hunt, Marisa Constantinides, Nancy Blair, Mark Barnes and Sara Hunter

We hope you can join us for this incredible professional development experience!