Our school’s Cancer Awareness Fundraiser Event in pictures!

Our school’s cancer awareness fundraiser was a positive and moving experience because it involved teachers and students working together in FUN for a good CAUSE. Purpose, people!

The orchestrator!!
Ms. Lloyd!

The orchestrator was this lady right here, Ms. Lloyd! She worked tireless hours on this and it happened because of her drive and vision to DO IT. It was a school-wide effort but thanks to her passion and drive it HAPPENED! 

Teachers and kids want this to be an annual event. Perhaps at an #edcampNewMark one of the teachers (or kids?) will write this down as a session and work it from there. 

Here’s how the hour-long assembly was set up!

**Anyone in our school learning community could buy tickets at a dollar each throughout the week leading up to it. The assembly took place in the gym and outside the gym on the blacktop from 8:10-9:10 am.

“100% of proceeds will be donated in an equal split between Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.”

**Buying a raffle ticket earned kids the chance to be picked to do one of the following activities to a teacher during the assembly:

    • Pie a teacher in the face–9 teachers signed up for this
    • Flour-bomb a teacher–8 teachers signed up
    • Escort a male teacher in a dress–7 teachers
    • Shave a teacher’s head–2 teachers
    • Cut a teacher’s hair for Locks of Love–4 teachers, 1 student signed up!

    **The Raffle drawings took place the the afternoon before the assembly: Winning students for each of the activities were announced via intercom. They went to the Commons for a quick meeting with Ms. Lloyd about how the fun was going to unfold the next day. 🙂

    The next day the gym was filled with ‘us’ and with music and applause, and laughs and smiles. Tarps all over one corner of the gym. The events simply played out, one after the other. We ended outside with the flour bombs. 

    All this fun was to help raise awareness of and funding for a serious disease that has affected so many of us.

    Click below to see the VISUAL STORY of our day ON FLICKR:

    Flickr photo set: NMMS Cancer Fundraiser Campus Event!

    American Cancer Society Receipt from our school's Cancer Fundraiser Event--$1,175.00 to Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer!
    Receipt from American Cancer Society in KC!

    <– We raised $1,175.00 for Cancer! Ms. Lloyd delivered the money to the American Cancer Society here in Kansas City. The money was split equally between Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.

    Funny: 4-picture PhotoSTORY of Ms. Nguyen’s flour-bomb experience! (as seen in the Flickr set)

    Makes me laugh every single time I look at them. You can run but you can’t hide! 🙂

    Let's do this! Flour power!
    On the run......! Flour power!

    You can run but you can't hide... Flour power!
    Is that a dress?! Flour power!
    This is the GOLD MEDAL (flour) shot. Wow!!
    (photographer: Sy Porras)

    The Beauty of Flickr: Coach Porras took many of the pictures and we uploaded them to my Flickr account (via our shared Dropbox picture folder). Students who took pictures sent them to my Flickr email address. Once in Flickr they can be edited, tagged, commented on, and ultimately shared. 

    Instead of keeping this event and celebration within our school learning community, we can share it via pictures on Flickr, blogposts, and tweets. LEARNING OUT LOUD to share with others our day and our experience. 

    Here’s to more sharing and caring between connected learners!

    Cure Cancer!