Student created content and iBooks!

Armed with our new website and prepared with the experience of the Happy Prince, we were over the moon when International Grammar School approached us to do another iBook. This time it was a much larger project: three books publishing compositions of three classes of Year 8 students.

This time around the compositions where done on iPads in small groups, the illustrations were drawn my Japanese exchange students to the school, and the narration was done by the Japanese teacher (in Japanese). We used Screenflow to create the intro film. We also used Bookry widgets to view web pages inside iBooks rather than linking and viewing in Safari. The Blue Book is available on the iTunes store here and the two other versions are currently under review by iTunes (a very long and sometimes painful process I must admit). Feedback so far has been very positive – the music staff of IGS are very happy and we tweeted it out to a few colleagues who also thought it was really exciting. Click on the above image to link to our Wrightstuff Interactive iTunes account to download these student created content iBooks.

Our next project with those innovative folks at IGS is in the work and we are very excited to be working with the Music and Art department… stay tuned 🙂