The “Why do Open Educational Resources Matter?” Roundtable

*Link to the planning doc:*

*Roundtable purpose:*
1. This roundtable will delve into the reasons for why any teacher or leader should consider building, using or sharing Open Educational Resources within their school or classroom environment.
2. This roundtable will also discuss the merits of particular OER movements, consortiums, and resources.

*Roundtable audience:*
1. Teachers who would like to use OER in their classroom or create Open Resources to share with others
2. School Leaders who would like to explore alternative curriculum and methods for their school
3. District Leaders who would like to support the creation or use of OER to supplement or replace current curriculum

_Please fill out the Google Doc to set up if you would like to be on the video hangout or if you would like to simply be a viewer. All are welcome._