It's really great to read these posts. In one …

It's really great to read these posts. In one of George Siemens's recent lectures he said if he were to conceive a class he would have his students enroll in a Coursera course, with better materials than he could provide, and then conduct that class as a discourse around that content. In MultiMOOC I pointed people toward an actual viable cMOOC and asked them to come back to report what they were learning, and I'm pleased to see that Natasa and Vanessa have reported back. I'm sure there were others who might have straddled both, and at least one Rhizo14 participant started turning up in MultiMOOC Hangouts because it was where he was able to feel comfortable.

We've all learned a lot from one another over the years. As Stephen Downes says, the best teachers model and demonstrate and also practice and reflect (taking on lifelong student roles). Dave Cormier is one of the best modelers of how all four roles can be combined into one. And of course we learn from participants in the course through how they interpret what we had conceived as one way of doing things into something taking a different but productive direction.

I was also glad to see that one of my co-moderators Jim Buckingham was able to create and award badges. I know that Natasa and Vanessa were both recipients, and it's great how seeds planted eventually sprout, and things get done and are appreciated and acknowledged. Thanks for all that.