What I’m Learning: Flipped PD from Kristin Daniels

I really love this article on EdSurge, but my favorite part comes from the section on planning. It is truly a wonderful way to show how both easy and effective good personalized learning plans can be. Nice work Kristin!

The Flip Side of Professional Development | EdSurge News

The very first coaching session of Flipped PD often begins with the creation a google document that is shared between the teacher and the coach. This shared document becomes the place where individual goals are set, digital resources are linked and workshop notes are recorded. Besides the coach, the teacher can share the document with other colleagues, grade-level team, PLCs or administrators. Notes are recorded (sample 1, 2, 3) throughout the year, goals updated and personalized resources linked here as well. This document becomes evidence of personal growth and the foundation for innovative projects. More resources here.