#OCL4Ed: Activity 3.1

This multiple choice activity is in response to Activity 3.1 of #OCL4Ed.

A graphic designers in education very often get request similar to the following.

1. To use a graph from a government institution in a layout of a study guide.
2. To use a work of art of which the creator is not known in a design or layout.
3. To use a photo or copy of money in a presentation. The euro currency applies.

Which of the following options will be best for the designer to follow.

1.1 The graph may be used without clearing rights, because it is from a government publication.
– Incorrect: although governments give material free of charge, some may need permission to use. The work of national laboratories, for instance, are not free to use.

1.2 To redraw it to look completely different.
– Incorrect: The information of a graph is intellectual property and redrawing it will not change the information.

1.3 To ask permission to use it from the government.
– Correct: The government will indicated who the owner is, if permission is needed. They will also indicate special acknowledgements specifications like adding the URL in a caption

2.1 It can be used with a disclaimer.
Partly correct: A disclaimer does not guarantee that the owner will not ask for payment at a later stage.

2.2 The designer can use less tan 50 % of the whole image or change the image to differ more than 50% from the original.
– Incorrect: A changed work of art fall under the category derivative work.

3.1 The designer may use a photograph or copy, because it is not real and will not be used to purchase something.
– Incorrect: There are specific restriction for photographs or copies.

3.2 The designer may use part of an image of the money.
– Incorrect: The European central bank restricts the use of any element that resembles a bank-note or coin.

3.3 The designer may use the photo if the image is smaller and at an angle of the original.
– Correct

Filed under: ETMOOC