3 Tips for Sharing Learning-Technology Expertise

eLearning Guild


The eLearning Guild recently released the free e-book, 84 Tips on New Instructional Design for New Instructional Technology so we are going to share some of these tips we learned over the next couple weeks. The first of this series is Twenty-one Tips for Putting Learning Goals and Learners Before Technology.

For this eBook, the eLearning Guild asked 21 learning professionals who have successfully melded new instruc­tional design with new instructional technologies to give their best tips; they have highlighted the tips from their featured contributors, and you can learn more about them at the bottom of this post. Click here to access the entire free e-book.

3 Tips for Sharing Learning-Technology Expertise

If you work with other instructional designers, consider creating a wiki, blog, or other form of listserv to communicate among other like-minded folks. – Karen Loftus, AS School Boards Association


If you are a fan of one particular ID content-creation tool, check out their on­line community. While @Articulate is my favorite “go to” group, you’ll find many instructional designers are very free with their source files, tips, and suggestions. –Karen Loftus, AS School Boards Association


My best learning comes from trying to replicate or emulate the spirit of another person’s design. Online communities, great-looking websites, and other forms of marketing collateral can often be just the inspiration I need! –Karen Loftus, AS School Boards Association

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