Circles, Castles and Parent Teacher Conferences… Oh My!

This year is just flying by – we are nearly half way through November and our second Unit of Inquiry is unfortunately going to go over time – but only by two days and I will still finish all three by Christmas. The main reason being report cards and parent teacher interviews.

We are finishing our geometry mathematics unit too which I taught mainly through art. This was really effective and the kids really loved it. I am going to write up a reflection and documentation on the lessons and put together a board. We have one very long bulletin board in the elementary hallway that is ours – it still has work from our first unit on it so I will have to share this work on it soon… Its just so good I don’t want it to leave the classroom.

Here is a few points about our inquiry into geometric shapes;

  1. Students looked at a Paul Klee painting of a castle with the sun behind it. We created our own version and spoke about the shapes we included inspired by this famous work.
  2. Students looked at Kandinsky’s Circle in a circle work and created their own.
  3. Student did free water colour art on A3 paper that was then cut up and folded and sticky taped into 3D shapes. 
This was such a joy to teach and the students really loved it. More info to come… probably over the summer.