Student-initiated Action

When our Librarian gave me this book it was just one of many in a pile of resources; books about caring for little sisters, being kind to friends at school, and helping older people… All important topics and the students did enjoy them but… then I pulled out “Boxes for Katje” by Candace Fleming.

We are in our fourth unit based on the transdisciplinary theme of “Who We Are” from the PYP curriculum framework. Our central idea is “Families and other groups work together to care for and serve each other.”

Read-alouds are an important part of our inquiry process and we try to have at least one per day. I read and the students doodle so that their hands don’t distract their ears from listening.

I read the book to the class and was not interrupted once. I closed the last page and place the book on the ground.

“You are all so quiet, what are you thinking” I casually asked by first grade class.

“We should do something for the Dutch!” (Hannah)

“Uhhhmmm, I think the Dutch are okay now, this story is set before your grandma’s where even born,” I said.

“We should do something though” (Jeana)

“What about that Lady you met… from Africa… she might need help” (Joshua)

“It was at the teacher meeting (conference)… Mrs Martin… she lives in Ethiopia.” (Hannah)

“We should send something to her.” ()

So the students decided to make and sell cookies during recess. They made posters, cookies, made a banner, asked that it be in announcements, and sold the cookies.

At two cookies for W1000 ($1) we made W248000!

The money is going to Mrs Martin in Ethiopia to buy school supplies for a sister Ethiopian school down the road from her international school. Her class actually just gave this school a supplies set for each child and our donation will pay for supplies for all next year!

So proud of them!