Quality Matters Monday: Standard 1.2

QMIt’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we will highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standard 1.2.

This standard, similar to Standard 1.1, encourages a solid course overview and introduction by including a clear purpose and structure for the course.

This standard focuses on an introduction of two criteria:

  1. purpose
  2. structure

It is important for learners to be introduced to the purpose of the course in the same way it is important to include learning objectives: so that the learners know what is to come and as a way to evaluate their learning over the course of the term.

In the same way, it is important for learners to be introduced to the structure of the course as well so that they know what is to come in the course. This helps learners plan for time to read, study, and complete the learning activities. Since most online learners are working adults, this is vital for learner success.

An easy way to incorporate these items in an online course is to provide it in the course syllabus or in areas with titles such as “Start Here,” “Course Introduction,” “Welcome from the Instructor,” “Course Schedule,” “Course Outline, “Course Map,” “Course Calendar,” etc.

In our demo course, BUSN 7000 Start-Ups: Venturing Into Entrepreneurship, you can find the course purpose and structure in the Start Here section and syllabus.

Course Purpose:

Course Structure in the Syllabus (one Module):

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