Caught in the EdWeb

​This week I explored other open sources of information about some popular Google apps.   I turned to my new favourite source for professional development…..edWeb.  EdWeb ( is a site that curates professional learning communities on several teaching related topics, including technology.  I am a member of the Tech Tools for Teachers community (among many others.)  Members of this community have access to an archive of free webinars.  Each lasts about one hour.   I discovered 2 webinars hosted by one of my favourite presenters, Shannon Holden (  The first was on Google Tools for Educators.  It was produced and aired in 2013.  It covered Creating an account; creating, adding events, sharing,and  embedding a Google Calendar; the basics of Google Plus such as creating circles; using Google Hangouts to facilitate communication between teachers and students, peers and teachers and parents; and using Google Drive to disseminate information to students and colleagues and encourage collaboration.,   A second webinar focused exclusively on OneDrive by Microsoft and Google Drive more in depth.

While the content contained in these webinars was covered more thoroughly in the first modules of the online training offered by Google but it was beneficial to have a different perspective

My biggest frustration at this point is seeing the possibilities and not having the opportunity to fully utilize these tools.  I am eager for my colleagues to get on board so we can streamline communication and work more efficiently.

Next week my learniing will be hands on with some colleagues from a different school.  I am excited to see how they are using these and other tools in their professional practice.