After the first etmooc week…

Well, this first week has been very useful for me to start building my PLE and PLN.
I have some difficulties to read and understanding all the knowledge which is shared in this experience, but little by little…
I’ve started connecting with different people and I’ve found interesting tools, blogs, articles, resources, reflections… which are very helpful.
Now, I’m organizing the tools to get the most of this etmooc.
Mainly, I’m using Google+ and Twitter to share information
I use this blog to reflect, although it’s difficult for me do it in English, but I try it… 🙂
I use Google Reader to read the blogs that I started to follow, and I try to comment their reflections.
Etmooc Daily, Blackboard Collaborate sessions and are an important tools, very useful… Thanks for the archive and the curation!
I’ve started to reflect about the topics that I’m interested in, mainly Media and Digital Literacy, intercultural learning…
I’m a beginner and I’m in my own learning process in a MOOC experience, and it’s nice to share it with others!