12 steps to Addiction Recovery? I Just Want to Have Fun

Hi , I’m Angela and I’m  a MOOCaholic.

That’s the first time I’ve said those words. They don’t sound as bad as I thought they would. Maybe I can live with that.

I’ve completed one MOOC with Coursera (Introduction to Sustainability), I’m about to start two more within a week. I have another one beginning in February another in March and another two at dates yet to be announced.

So when fellow edcMOOCer, Ary asked me to join ETMOOC, I said, “No, I’m sorry, I’m too busy”.

“C’mon”,  she said, “it will be fun, we can do it together, you, me and all our other edcMOOC fraingers”.

So I looked at my diary. I’m in the last 3 days of a long, searingly hot summer holiday, about to restart work where I tutor in a fully online post graduate course at the University of Western Australia. We have 4 x 14 week units to update, several more to put together and only 4 weeks in which to do it. No problems.

What about family life, remaining activities for school holidays, my huge 11 acre farm that I maintain and those other MOOCS?

And that PhD I’m meant to be starting?

Within 12 hours I had registered with ETMOOC, messaged Ary to tell her I’m in, hastily put together a slide show with the wrong music and here’s my intro.

In writing it, I realise that not only am I a MOOCaholic, techaholic and OK, chocaholic, I’m also totally addicted to learning. I don’t care if I’m a teacher or a student or just mooching around, I always have an insatiable desire to know things, how things work, what things mean, how we learn, how we can inspire others to learn, how we can know the truth, what might the future hold, how can we make the world a better place.

I know things have a good chance of going pear shaped. There are not enough hours in the day to do what I want in the next two months, but hey, I’ll deal with it all after that.

I used to be addicted to lateness, but I overcame that and now it causes me a great deal of anxiety to be coming into ETMOOC at the end of the first week, but I’ve been following those tweets that have hashtags to edcmooc as well as etmooc, so there are familiar faces and I’ve probably scooped most of the articles people have put out there in twitter. I’m also blogging already (sorry, I’m using my edcmooc blog) and use blackboard, so I’m hoping all will be fine if I jump on board and have some fun.

As for my addiction, 12 steps just ain’t gonna be nearly enough!

Here’s a slideshow with some of the things that really matter to me in my life. Sorry Ary, I had to emulate your concept due to time constraints (imitation is the most sincere form of flattery) but I just couldn’t match your wonderful audio.