Left brain, right brain, no brain #EDCMOOC

Inspired by Chris to create an image, I’ve made a video. Only because I couldn’t think of a still image, but rather something that was arrived at. So thanks to Chris and Elena, I’ve discovered a new tool, VideoScribe.

Chris invited us to contribute to his flickr group by creating an image of “what a MOOC means to you”. Well at the moment, I’m only thinking about edcMOOC, although I am enrolled in another one, to which I have given absolutely no thought.

My vision is going up to a friendly place in the cloud where we can do all this wonderful stuff together through edcMOOC and have fun and achieve some inspirational results.

So here is my image, this is what MOOC means to me right at this moment. I had to stop adding names, because it was getting out of hand, but everyone who is engaging in the course is in my heart, sorry I couldn’t put all our names there!

This was a hell of a challenge for me. I can’t draw, and whilst I am a keen photographer and enjoy capturing images, I’m hopeless at creating them. So I’m grateful for the prompt to do something along these lines. 
I’ve also been struggling with my disappointment at not being able to create a sketch video as Kyle showed us (sorry Kyle, just realised your name isn’t in my pic), due to no sketching skills. So when I saw Elena’s video, it looked like the tool meant for me. 
Took a couple of hours to master, there are great tutorials on youtube. I hope I can make another one while I am on a roll, because there is a lot of potential do do some pretty good things once you get the hang of it. I did encounter a few issues with freezing, and developing some camera view skills to make it smoother is something I will need to work on. But all in all, a right brain task for a very left brain person….I’m reasonably happy with my first throw.