Anticipating edcMOOC

There is a lot going on with eLearning and Digital Cultures. First twitter, then the map, flikr, blogger, facebook and google. Exchanging papers about eLearning. Trying out new online tools. Writing, thinking, reading, creating, buying (yes, bought two books and two movies) communicating, sharing, helping, being helped, imagining. This is digital culture.

So maybe we’re not all learning online, but for those of us who are, in the here and now, it can be as big a mind space as we choose to make it. I’ve moved on from the tools, I’ll get back to my google exploration later. For now, I’ve gone all existential, exploring thoughts of simulation hypothesis, and what it means to immerse oneself in the virtual realm. I watched the Matrix and found it catapulted me even further into the headspace.

It pays to understand Simulation Hypothesis. Such questions, about the nature of knowledge and reality,  well and truly predate cyberspace, and it can give us not only some deeply interesting thoughts on which to perform mental gymnastics, but perhaps may give us cause for reflection on the online reality, the space in which we wish to engage with others to learn. Not everyone wants to embrace this place. People create their own realities where they are comfortable. Social constructivism may not be something people want to “knowingly” participate in.

Anyhow, this is just a short post in which I want to embed a Prezi: “Anticipating the Mooc”.  A few questions that are arising for me as we come closer to our official start date. Would love to hear your thoughts.