Some clarifications on joining and ORIENTING In our session

Hi everyone,if you received this message in your email then you have successfully joined the MultiMOOC session, per instructions given at and at our portal

I mentioned in mail earlier today that the other spaces we use are in the sidebar of that last link and at a ‘spaces’ page.  

The spaces page has a checklist at the bottom.  One important item is to fill in the Google form.  There are about 25 names there now. Where it asked for Google ID that meant the same as your gmail address.  If you didn’t fill that in, if you can send it to me at then I’ll enter it there and also share the google doc with you so that you can go in and make alterations there yourself, add the address of your eportfolio and so on.  This will become significant once we get past the ‘orientation’ week.

Most of you have put in Twitter IDs. I will add those here:  If you tag your posts and anything you create online for this session #evomlit AND #mmooc13, you’ll start to see that some of what we do will appear at the links we have under AGGREGATION in the sidebar.  You can be exploring those now as part of your orientation.

I also better organized the list in the sidebar under NETWORK and put red stars next to the important ones. There are two spaces that I think we will especially try to use.  Edmodo is one.  I have been ok’ing new participants there so I believe it’s working (Chris Jones, can you try again and report back?).  The other is the Posterous space.  Both are listed in the 15 things on the spaces page you should be orienting on.  If you haven’t tried Posterous, how it works is interesting (but you have to join it to see how it works – to join, follow

Other than that you need to check for our live events (the one this Sunday 1400 GMT with Dave Cormier will be special) and you can see what we’re curating at our accounts also given in the sidebar.

One other thing, about joining spaces, we will try to communicate here across social networks but use the YGroup list as an anchor, and we can experiment and communicate in Edmodo, Posterous, Twitter and Google+, and see this communication through our aggregators.  Many of you have asked to join our pbworks spaces as well.  I have accepted you as “readers” not writers. I can’t distinguish easily who is a valid applicant there, and we can have trouble with spammers and vandals (though the latter has never happened). But the GoodbyeGutenberg portal needs to be didactic.  The Learning2gether one is meant to be collaborative, for people who want to host sessions there. I’ll set up Google Docs next week to serve as collaborative spaces, or better you could set them up as needed.  But cMOOCs try to pull people together through shared social networks, and that is what we will be exploring.

I hope that clarifies somewhat.  If you have questions please ask.  One last thing, apologies from our two co-moderators Cristina and Claire, both recovering from serious bouts of flu.  And yet another thing, I am thinking how I can make the week 2 declare week more task oriented and will get something up tomorrow in that regard.

happy MultiMOOCing


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