I am an educator, a mom and a wife and this is not exceptional, it is the reality of approximately 80% of our teaching population. Given that we have many demands on our time, the new movement of Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC) is the key to keep a teaching population evolving.
I found #ETMOOC by chance on Twitter, and I decided to give it a try.  As a mom of two teenage boys, it is really hard to get to University for classes. I love learning, I am passionate about education and I am also a Tech Geek.  So I was truly interested by #ETMOOC.  On the night of the courses, I got my boys organized, I put on my pj’s pants, yes I did, and I sat in the office with my computer, my iPad and a coffee.  What a great feeling; I was taking an hour to myself, for myself. WOW!!!  All moms on earth know how precious this is. 
Even before the presentation started, I began chatting with educators from around the world.  It was so exciting to see the level of interest, engagement and collaboration that was taking place.  I was finally experimenting with what I had been talking about for so long.  

The presentation was great and I really liked working through Blackboard Collaborate. The discussion was dynamic and I was learning.  My Ah-Ha! moment was when my 11 year old walked into the office.  He stopped, took at the screen… I saw his eyes open wide and he said, “Mom!  This is how I learn. I would not cause problems at school if it was like that.  Can I registered  too?”
So not only was #ETMOOC  giving me a chance to progress as an educator and a person, but it was also giving my own children a model of 21st century learning.
When I left the session, I felt that I was finally able to put all of the different roles in my life together.  #ETMOOC had given me the platform to link all of those different spheres.
I can’t wait for the next one. What will my boys and I be learning???