Putting on the Harness

Hi! Welcome to my humble blog. I’ve been reading blogs for many years and been threatening to start a blog for about that long. But I’ve always found reasons not to do it. Most of the time the reasons were either that I didn’t have the time or that I didn’t have anything of great value to post. Who in the world would want to read my musings? So, if you’re reading this now it is quite possible that I think you are crazy! 😉

But I’ve decided I’ve got to take the plunge for many reasons that I will expound in future posts (don’t want to use up every idea I have in the first post.) For now, the reason I am doing this is because I am participating (I don’t even know if that’s the right word) in my first ever MOOC. Holy cow! It is #ETMOOC and it is like a flood of ed tech goodness. And flood is an understatement. There are so many ideas being thrown around that my head is spinning. It’s my hope that I can capture something here in this blog.

By way of introduction, I’m a the math professor at a small community college (500 students) in a very isolated part of the country. You would not believe how isolated I am. I have no colleagues to turn to with math ed questions. Therefore, I’ve turned to the internet and found an incredible resource for ideas and information. But while I’ve dipped my toes into many of the great networking tools available I don’t really think I’ve harnessed them yet in order to improve professionally. I need a workflow and a plan and this is where it starts.