Sorry #etmooc

Well, orientation week was a bit scary! I listened in and got a sense of wow! I set up my blog, but mixed up the link for the etmooc hub! <sigh> I am sure it will all work out.
I am hoping that a few of the sessions are taped and available for review. Introduction to blogging and intro to Connected/networked learning are the main two I am interested in right now. I have been using Twitter for 2 years now and am hoping I learn more about that as well. I am not sure if I am using it to its potential!

I worked with a lot of IOS technology this week. Trying to set things up for my students and get a little frustrated with the amount of time and lack of support from this tech giant. Web searching for help is okay but still not all its cracked up to be when it takes hours and you are still in the same place you started!

Another week ahead but the weekend is here and I am loving the thought of snow and my ereader!