My #etmooc & online PD reflections

My #etmooc and online PD refelctions

I thought I would share a post on what I have been doing lately with technology in education.

Well I did it!

I signed up for my first Massive Open Online Course: Educational Technology & Media #etmooc! This online experience has been going on for the past couple of weeks.  This coming week #etmooc will be still be focusing on: Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy.

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My first experience was overwhelming yet at the same time so exciting! It is very inspirational to see other teachers out there, who want to share their knowledge and ideas on implementing technology in education. That technology in education can be both meaningful and worthwhile for our students learning.

Alec Couros (University of Regina) one of the main facilitators behind #etmooc, has been super helpful and encouraging to all participants. As a “newbie” to this whole online Technology course, his teachings and ideas have a way of putting you at ease. Once you get on board, there is the realization that with persistence and motivation, an online Ed. Tech course can easily be done for anybody out there!

Here is the link that Joanna Sanders shared with me in regards to #etmooc:

From what I understand, since it is just past orientation week (if interested) you can still register for free and at the same time, chose to participate when you can. #etmooc even has recorded sessions for you to see/ learn in case you were not able to attend or even to just check out.

Here are the topics posted from Alec Couros at #etmooc

The topics are:

-Welcome (Jan 13-19): Welcome Event & Orientation to #etmooc

-Topic 1 (Jan 20-Feb. 2): Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy

-Topic 2 (Feb 3-16): Digital Storytelling – Multimedia, Remixes & Mashups

-Topic 3 (Feb 17-Mar 2): Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention

-Topic 4 (Mar 3-16): The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Ed.

-Topic 5 (Mar 17-30): Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint, & Social Activism

As part of the orientation last week, #etmooc suggested to set up a:

-Twitter, Google and Blog account. They also asked participants to post an introduction about yourself and what you want gain from #ETMOOC.

This past Friday some TTCT members, consultants and other Thom Collegiate staff participated in Regina Public School online PD session with Fair Chance Learning Webinar Series. It was another great experience, and look forward to attending more sessions, were I am able to incorporate more technology in education. I have realized, that I am now addicted to online Technology courses!

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Krista Gates