Where the Beauty of the MOOC is Made Plain To Me

#etmooc has been a whirlwind of an adventure so far. The Twitter chats, blog and Google+ comments, and collaborative sessions have all helped to expand my thinking and connect me to inspiring fellow educators from around the world. In short, it’s been incredible.

That said, there’s no denying that I am behind in my work. Projects at school are getting more involved, and one of my 5 year old daughters (we have twins) broke her leg while ice skating this past weekend. As a result, my noble sentiments of Blogging with Greater Frequency and Interacting More With Others’ Blogs and Comments has, alas, been nudged to the back burner of my current existence.

With advance apologies to +Sue Waters, I have re-purposed her Blogging Cycle diagram to illustrate what the past few weeks have looked like for me in regards to #etmooc. My guess is that I am not alone in this situation.

But, just when I start to feel bad about myself, I remember that the structure of the MOOC is to allow for greater flexibility and adaptability in how participants engage with the material! For example, I haven’t yet been able to watch the entire archived session Sharing as Accountability – but that’s okay! No one is assessing me. I need to let go of the notion that someone else is judging my performance and learning. Once I get past that hurdle, I can focus on how to best utilize the resources and connections of the #etmooc community for personal and professional growth.

I need to let go of the feeling that I’m disappointing others. 

So I will continue to have BIG PLANS. And I will probably hit many more hiccups along the way. But that’s okay – it’s all par for the course – the Massive Open Online Course, that is..! 🙂