‘Spell with Flickr’ + TwtPoll for #MOedchat

Found a blogpost thanks to my Twitter PLN about Spell with Flickr and ideas for using it. Check it out!

That link led me to create this…

letter M letter O letter e bead letter D photo.JPG letter H A Magnetic Letter T

and this….

Scrabble Rebus letter M letter O ANAGRAM letter E letter D Pastry Cutter Letter C BANANAGRAMS Letter H letter A letter T

in under a minute.

See here how you can click on each letter to get a new one. If we made a #MOedchat blog we could embed the word picture in it. Another tool to use!

Here is a Twtpoll our fine #MOedchat moderator @mrpowerscms shared out via Twitter. Please click on the link and vote if you are able to join in and learn with us.

Here is MY first Twtpoll, to get my feet wet with a new tool. 

Free. Easy to set up.

I was trying to embed Bill Powers’ twtpoll (above) but found you can’t unless you publish it yourself. So here is my first poll,  embedded. 🙂 Good luck and thanks for playing!