What Can You Do With a Dot?

I was pretty excited to introduce the Livescribe pen to my class prior to using it with our “little grade 2 buddies.” I think the Livescribe pen is an amazing tool but apparently, my Grade 10 students thought differently.

If you are unfamiliar with Livescribe pens check out this introductory Youtube video.


Last Wednesday I showed the pens to my class and had students practice using them.  My students were pretty resistant to this little piece of technology and were reluctant to play around with the pens.  I did a quick demonstration, trying to remain upbeat and positive while negative comments floated around the room.  The lesson plan was very simple — I wanted them to place a dot on the paper, press record and speak or draw on the paper.  I encouraged students to pair up with a friend and move to a quiet corner of the room to experiment recording audio and drawing on the paper. A few skeptics remained after they had time to ‘fool around” with the pens but most of the students were pretty enthused and wondered how a little dot could contain so much information.