Respect our elders…

Suddenly there seems to be an increase in violent outbursts amongst elderly residents of long term care facilities. Those working in such facilities, however, will tell you that such incidents are not new. What are new are the tragic outcomes. Long term care facilities care for our elderly relatives at a point in our lives when we are no longer able to do so. The residents are often frail, physically debilitated and/ or living with dementia. Increasingly those living with dementia can also be violent.

People can be quick to lay blame in situations such as those involving the residents of a facility in Toronto where one resident was killed. Some might blame the staff, others various levels of government. Staff in long term care facilities does not get the support and understanding deserved. They are expected to care for our loved ones, whose health challenges we cannot manage at home, day in and day out. They do so with limited support and limited resources. They may bear the brunt of violent behavior from residents with no recourse.

The government certainly has a role to play at both Federal and Provincial levels by ensuring that long term care facilities have adequate funding to provide the care residents deserve, something that is not happening. But we as a society also have a role in this tragedy; we have allowed the creation of a system of care that devalues our elders. We have not challenged funding decisions that ensure we do everything possible to save a preemie at unfathomable gestation (22 weeks) who may live with life long illness. We can now sustain life where it was never possible before – and yet don’t ask the question if we should be. But  we think it is ok that the 83 year old who fought for our rights in the war is only ALLOWED 2 adult briefs in a day, that there is never enough staff to ensure he gets repositioned enough to prevent bedsores. We have decided that the system works when there is not enough staff to ensure that residents eat enough or that they don’t choke when they eat. We have decided that it is okay for residents of long term care facilities to live in fear of other residents. We are all to blame for not demanding those we have elected fixes this system, for not speaking up for those who can’t. We are at blame for not making this an issue in each Provincial and Federal election. We are all at blame for not speaking up for those who can’t. I, for one know that I will be speaking out and I hope others join me. If not for your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles; then do it for yourself. One day you too may be in that position.