Is Facebook an effective tool for health

Facebook has become a useful tool in – for some even a necessity! While it can be useful to use facebook to share photos, it has the potential to be harmful when used to share health and medical information. As a Registered Nurse I have been astounded at the ease with which people will accept “facebook advice”. I have seen postings where people are sharing some illness or symptoms they are experiencing, which then leads to a long list of “suggestions”. While I agree there are many “natural” or historical remedies that are helpful, there are many others that may or may not have an effect except to make you feel as though you are getting better. Far more often the suggestions have the potential to cause harm.  Putting Vicks on your feet when you have a cold will not physically harm you – it won’t cure your cold but it won’t damage your liver.   Mixing Tylenol and Ibuprofen is another story – I mean why not just wash that concoction down with a swig of Scotch! Makes me wonder if I’ve entered into the Keith Richards School of medicine? When I see this occurring, I question my role– do I have an obligation to share my knowledge? Or do I simply let it go?? As a regulated health professional, my college, the College of Nurses of Ontario has guidelines about how to respond should someone seek my advice. It is clear what is expected of me and where I might be overstepping my boundaries. Unfortunately our regulatory bodies have only begun to look at the role of social media, and certainly not addressed it from the perspective of simply reading other’s facebook posts.

While I fully support people being empowered to manage their health, I also see a need for caution about where you gather information from. Check that you are on a reputable website whether it is conventional medical information or natural health remedies; there are an abundance of both available. Be careful of anyone calling themselves an expert, most of us working in the health field would never call ourselves experts as we are constantly learning and being challenged. If we won’t call ourselves experts than should the person looking to profit from your purchasing their products call themselves experts?? Just because I might sell wellness products does not make me a wellness expert, your Nurse Practitioner, Physician or Registered Nurse have passed completed rigorous educational programs followed by National examinations that certify their competency to practice. I know whose opinion I would trust when it comes to my health!