Well it happened, our school board approved our one-to-one technology plan.  As part of that plan I have proposed a yearlong edtech professional development experience.

 My professional development plan for the 2013-2014 school year is based on what we are calling an Open Online Experience (#OOE go ahead say it out loud). Basically I am taking #etmooc and stretching it out over the 10 month school year. This will allow my teachers the opportunity to to grow together during the year as they adjust to a one to one environment without putting too much extra work on their shoulders.

 Overview of the Experience:

This course provides a rich, immersive experience into the study and use of educational technology in teaching & learning.


September – Topic 1 Welcome Event & Orientation to working and learning in a blended environment

October – Topic 2 Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy

November – Topic 3 Digital Citizenship – Identity, Footprint

December/January – Topic 4 Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention

 Second semester topics

 February – Topic 5 Content Curation – Using what is there

March – Topic 6 Digital Storytelling – Multimedia, Remixes & Mashups

April – Topic 7 The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Ed.

May – Topic 8 Celebration – Final projects plans for the future

 A key ingredient to this experience is connecting to a wider network of educators from around the world. It is my hope that many of the educators who participated in #etmooc, now and in any future iterations, will also be participants, co-learners, and mentors here in #OOE.

 For those who are interested I have created (read stole from #etmooc) a short survey to gather information from interested parties. Please feel free to share this survey with anyone whom you think would be interested. I will contact you again before August.

 For anyone interested in helping to organize this experience please leave a comment below or email me at dendari AT gmail DOT com.  You can also search for and apply to join the Open Online Experience Planning Community on Google+.