Defining "Blog" is a fool’s errand – Project # 4

All e-mates,

I have read this quotation at the beginning of the blog of one my friend. “Blogging is … to writing what extreme sports are to athletics; more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal and more alive. It is in many ways, writing out loud.” Therefore, I decided to add blog to my online course to observe whether it can be helpful to increase the enthusiasm level of my online students. I observed it for three days, but all is not well at this end. Although I informed all of them and made an effort to motivate them to post their reflection on the blog, I do not think they might have liked this new development so much so far. I think they might like the casual conversational tone of a discussion thread, but they might not have liked to post the serous flair of reflections on the blog. I have started believing that blogging is sometimes hard because it is difficult to keep everything on the blog so interesting and relevant.

However, let me have some more days to observe whether the blog can prove a blessing to me to motivate learners or not.
